Internet Course
Southgate Driving & Traffic School

Our DMV-licensed traffic violator school (TVS) Internet course is licensed for use statewide. The easy-to-read program is entertaining, informative, and loaded with colorful graphics, videos, cartoons, and jokes that will have you laughing while you learn. Best of all, you can take it from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you have Internet access) and complete it in a few hours or over a few days—it’s up to you! Register now and you’ll be back on the road to safe driving in no time!

Booklet Course
Southgate Driving & Traffic School

Our DMV-licensed traffic violator school (TVS) booklet course is licensed for use statewide. The informative, easy-to-read text is supplemented with helpful charts and interesting photos, and the hilarious cartoons and traffic-related jokes will have you laughing while you learn. Best of all, you can read the booklet anywhere: the beach, the backyard, or while traveling on a bus, train, or airplane—just not behind the wheel! Nothing could be easier!
Sign Up Today for Traffic School

This course is designed to give 8 hours of instructional course for those with tickets and traffic violations.

Curso de Internet

¿Tiene una citación? Ha sido ordenado por un juez / tribunal de completar un curso de escuela de tráfico para infractores? Nuestro programa de seguridad vial a través de la Internet es su respuesta! Terminando este curso incluso podrá obtener un descuento en sus primas de seguro, si su compañía de seguros permite este beneficio. Este Curso de Escuela para Infractores de Tráfico en Línea de Comedy School Online es simple, rápido y divertido! Combina texto fácil de leer y cartas informativas con coloridas ilustraciones y humor relacionado a la conducción. Usted puede inscribirse y acceder al sistema a su conveniencia, y la accesibilidad del programa 24 7 desde cualquier dispositivo habilitado para la Internet. Lo mejor de todo, es rápido de terminar (incluso si usted es nuevo en la Internet). Por lo tanto, tome un refresco y algunos aperitivos, está seguro de disfrutar de este curso!

Curso de Libro

Nuestro curso de librete de la escuela de tráfico para infractores con licencia del DMV (TVS) tiene licencia para su uso en todo el estado. El texto informativo, de lectura fácil, está complementado con útiles gráficos y fotos interesantes, y las historietas hilarantes y chistes relacionados con el tráfico le hará reír mientras aprende. Lo mejor de todo es que puede leer el libro en cualquier lugar: la playa, el patio trasero, o mientras viaja en un autobús, tren o avión— no al volante! Nada podría ser más fácil!
We Offer Driver’s Education classes, driving lessons, DMV service, and Traffic School.
By attending a traffic violator school (TVS) you will mask a conviction on your driving record. Points visible on your record can result in higher insurance premiums, future license suspensions, and the loss of certain driving related jobs. In the meantime, you might just learn something that will make you a safer driver—and perhaps even save your life!
The California DMV typically sends out a notice of eligibility if you qualify for masking a ticket through traffic school. If you haven’t received this notice, you may contact your court listed on your citation and request permission to attend a California traffic school course. Generally, you qualify if you meet the following eligibility requirements:
- You hold a valid non-commercial California driver’s license
- You have been cited for a minor moving violation not exceeding 25 MPH over the limit
- You have NOT taken traffic school in the past 18 months
You may retake your quizzes and final exam if you do not obtain a passing score of 70% or higher on your first try. You are allowed unlimited retakes on your quizzes, and a total of one (1) retake on your final exam
By following our step-by-step format, reading through and taking the chapter review quizzes, you will be prepared to take the final exam and complete the program according to your own pace. Many usually finish it within 6 – 8 hours, but completion time also depends on your own learning pace. Importantly, our system does not use timer restriction, allows 24/7 unlimited log in/log out, with easy to read content, and an open book exam format – by click on the Course Content menu item anytime during the course, that provides ultimate flexibility in time management for completing the course.
As soon as you complete our program, a date stamp will be issued by our school along with the completion certificate, which will be electronically sent to the DMV’s designated database for immediate processing. The date shown on the certificate is your official completion date which should be prior to your traffic school due date. Under normal conditions, after the court receives the completion certificate it will be processed and have your record updated within one to two weeks and you can verify the current ticket status through the county superior court website ticket search.
Taking our course will help you prevent a recent traffic ticket and points from showing up on your public driving record. In turn, your violation will not be reported to your insurance company, which will help you avoid a costly spike in your premium rate.
Each court charges an additional fee to allow you to attend a traffic school or home study program. This is separate from any of our charges. If you do not pay this fee to the court, then the court will not accept your Receipt of Completion from us. All traffic schools including classroom, home study or Internet courses will charge separate additional fees.
Points are not erased in California. Taking a licensed traffic school course in California will prevent points from appearing on your public driving record, which prevents your insurance company from seeing them, but they will not be erased from your DMV record.
We will process your completion to the court electronically after passing the final exam. You will be able to print a Receipt of Completion for your records. Once the court has received and reviewed your completion, they will notify the DMV. The DMV will then mask (hide) the points on your driving record. No one, including the insurance companies, will see your ticket.
No, you can come and go as often as you like. We provide an unlimited number of logins. Just use your username and password to login.
We take you back to where you left off each time you return.
We Work 7 Days A Week & Will Schedule An Appointment That Is Convenient for Your Schedule.